As employers, we are all aware of the negative impact that just one ‘wrong’ employee can have upon your business. Each year companies lose thousands of dollars or more on these employees. By including into your hiring & interviewing process, Pre-Employment Background Screening, it can keep your company safer and give you the protection you need for your business, your employees and it will save you money. Here are some valuable benefits: 5% of revenues are… [Read More]
Post Hire Screening
Planning on new employees for the New Year? Consider these thoughts for 2017! Your applicant arrives at your office, very well prepared for the interview. He makes a great impression and you decide to give him a conditional offer of employment and send him for the background check. He passes the background check with flying colors. No criminal record, clean drug test, valid drivers license, etc. He accepts the offer and has become your new… [Read More]
Transitioning from Conviction to Employment
According to the Department of Justice, around 70 million Americans have criminal records which hinder their chances of finding jobs. Many of them face significant challenges related to employment. With large numbers of working-age people carrying the stigma of a criminal record and the disproportionate impact on minority communities -policymakers nationwide have adopted a menu of reforms. According to the National Employment Law Project, 24 states and more than 100 localities have adopted “fair chance”… [Read More]
HUD Guidance, Applicants with Criminal Records & Housing Providers
On April 4, 2016, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of General Counsel, issued its Guidance on Application of Fair Housing Act Standards to the Use of Criminal Records by Providers of Housing and Real Estate-Related Transactions. The Guidance, which strongly resembles the April 25, 2012 EEOC Enforcement Guidance to Employers on the Use of Criminal Records, advises that refusing to rent to people just because they have criminal convictions — and… [Read More]
FCRA update: CoreLogic National Background Data, LLC
In February, 2016, Pamela Devata, attorney and noted legal expert on the Fair Credit Reporting Act, reported the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia denied the defendant’s motion for summary judgment on an FCRA claim in the case of Henderson v. Corelogic National Background Data, LLC, No. 3:12cv97. This decision has sweeping implications for data providers as well as Consumer Reporting Agencies and End Users of Consumer Reports. POE is a client… [Read More]
Employers: Important Details on Background Screening
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, about 92 million Americans have a criminal history on file. In the event that employers come across an applicant with a criminal record, it is imperative that these employers are aware of their obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act and an ever increasing wave of federal, state and local laws. Experts advise employers to stay current with the state and federal regulations that govern the use of… [Read More]