POEknows Complete Employment Report includes an in depth professional interview with the prospective employee, verification of a minimum of 5 years of employment history, plus verification of education. It automatically includes a consumer credit report, driving record and criminal history records investigation. Where available, it also includes a match of your applicant against the persons registered as convicted sex offenders. Simply stated, there does not exist a better, more comprehensive screening of your prospective employee. Not interested in the complete report? We’ll customize a report to your needs.Our in depth reports assist our clients in EEOC and FCRA compliance. Our in depth reports assist our clients in their desire to avoid negligent hiring litigation and violence in the work place.
Interview With Prospective Employee
Human resource directors know it is simply not sufficient to verify only the information listed on an application. POEknow conducts a highly professional, in-depth interview with each prospective employee. POEknows how to listen. We listen very carefully to what the applicant answers and even more carefully to how the applicant answers. POEknows how to read between the lines and how to dissect “qualifying” remarks and get to the truth. The applicant is asked about the addresses and prior employers found on credit reports, criminal records & driving records. The applicant is asked to account for gaps in employment; and our pleasant yet assertive interview encourages the applicant to provide information omitted from the original application and to correct previously provided incorrect information. Effective employment screening must include this valuable interview and no one does it better! No one!
Verification of Employment History
Minimum of five to seven years, and not just the jobs listed on the application, POEknows how to find the jobs the applicant doesn’t want you to find. POEknows how to get information from prior employers they wouldn’t think of providing to others.
Verification of Education
High school, university, trade school, vo-tech…if the applicant claims to have earned a degree, POE will confirm it. If the applicant claims to possess a certain license, we’ll document it.
Consumer Credit Report
An extremely important element to solid employment screening! If the position involves financial responsibilities, it’s helpful to evaluate how an applicant has handled financial obligations. But, of even more value than credit ratings…the credit reports frequently list one, two, or three prior jobs held by the applicant. It is imperative to verify any jobs listed on the credit report which are not listed on the application. Did you know that it is a violation of federal and state laws to access the same credit report on an employee that is used for credit transactions? POEknows …let us protect you. Let POEknows handle your employment credit report needs.
Social Security Number Verification
It’s critical to determine if the SSN provided by your prospective employee is valid and in your subject’s name only. Has the number ever been issued by SSA? Is it being used by more than one person? Is your applicant a victim of fraud or is your applicant committing a fraudulent act? Was this SSN issued 15 years before the applicant was born? Why was the SSN issued within the past 5 years?
MVA Driving Record
Certainly, you must verify that your applicant possesses a valid license to drive if the job description includes driving. But what about the employee who occasionally runs to the bank, goes to the post office once in a while, or scoots down to the local hardware or office supply store?